Array ( [payment] => Array ( [msg] => Missing information ) [customer] => Array ( [contact_id] => 4862716000001059001 [contact_name] => - - - - [company_name] => [first_name] => [last_name] => [designation] => [department] => [website] => [is_bcy_only_contact] => 1 [is_credit_limit_migration_completed] => 1 [language_code] => [language_code_formatted] => [contact_salutation] => [email] => [phone] => [mobile] => [invited_by] => [portal_status] => disabled [is_client_review_asked] => [has_transaction] => [contact_type] => customer [customer_sub_type] => business [owner_id] => [owner_name] => [source] => api [documents] => Array ( ) [twitter] => [facebook] => [is_crm_customer] => [is_linked_with_zohocrm] => [primary_contact_id] => [zcrm_account_id] => [zcrm_contact_id] => [crm_owner_id] => [payment_terms] => 0 [payment_terms_label] => Due On Receipt [credit_limit_exceeded_amount] => 0 [currency_id] => 4862716000000084112 [currency_code] => BHD [currency_symbol] => BHD [price_precision] => 3 [exchange_rate] => [can_show_customer_ob] => 1 [can_show_vendor_ob] => 1 [opening_balance_amount] => 0 [opening_balance_amount_bcy] => [outstanding_ob_receivable_amount] => 0 [outstanding_ob_payable_amount] => 0 [outstanding_receivable_amount] => 0 [outstanding_receivable_amount_bcy] => 0 [outstanding_payable_amount] => 0 [outstanding_payable_amount_bcy] => 0 [unused_credits_receivable_amount] => 0 [unused_credits_receivable_amount_bcy] => 0 [unused_credits_payable_amount] => 0 [unused_credits_payable_amount_bcy] => 0 [unused_retainer_payments] => 0 [status] => active [payment_reminder_enabled] => 1 [is_sms_enabled] => 1 [is_consent_agreed] => [consent_date] => [is_client_review_settings_enabled] => [custom_fields] => Array ( ) [custom_field_hash] => Array ( ) [is_taxable] => 1 [country_code] => BH [vat_reg_no] => [gcc_vat_treatment] => vat_not_registered [tax_treatment] => vat_not_registered [tax_reg_no] => [contact_category] => vat_not_registered [sales_channel] => direct_sales [ach_supported] => [portal_receipt_count] => 0 [opening_balances] => Array ( ) [allow_parent_for_payment_and_view] => [entity_address_id] => 4862716000001059008 [billing_address] => Array ( [address_id] => 4862716000001059003 [attention] => [address] => [street2] => [city] => [state_code] => [state] => [zip] => [country] => [county] => [country_code] => [phone] => [fax] => ) [shipping_address] => Array ( [address_id] => 4862716000001059005 [attention] => [address] => [street2] => [city] => [state_code] => [state] => [zip] => [country] => [county] => [country_code] => [phone] => [fax] => [latitude] => [longitude] => ) [contact_persons] => Array ( ) [addresses] => Array ( ) [pricebook_id] => [pricebook_name] => [default_templates] => Array ( [invoice_template_id] => [invoice_template_name] => [bill_template_id] => [bill_template_name] => [estimate_template_id] => [estimate_template_name] => [creditnote_template_id] => [creditnote_template_name] => [purchaseorder_template_id] => [purchaseorder_template_name] => [paymentthankyou_template_id] => [paymentthankyou_template_name] => [invoice_email_template_id] => [invoice_email_template_name] => [estimate_email_template_id] => [estimate_email_template_name] => [creditnote_email_template_id] => [creditnote_email_template_name] => [purchaseorder_email_template_id] => [purchaseorder_email_template_name] => [paymentthankyou_email_template_id] => [paymentthankyou_email_template_name] => [payment_remittance_email_template_id] => [payment_remittance_email_template_name] => ) [associated_with_square] => [cards] => Array ( ) [checks] => Array ( ) [bank_accounts] => Array ( ) [vpa_list] => Array ( ) [notes] => [created_time] => 2024-07-01T05:46:05+0300 [created_date] => 01 Jul 2024 [created_by_name] => Gate-e [last_modified_time] => 2024-07-01T05:46:05+0300 [tags] => Array ( ) [zohopeople_client_id] => [customer_currency_summaries] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [currency_id] => 4862716000000084112 [currency_code] => BHD [currency_symbol] => BHD [price_precision] => 3 [is_base_currency] => 1 [currency_name_formatted] => BHD- Bahraini Dinar [outstanding_receivable_amount] => 0 [unused_credits_receivable_amount] => 0 ) ) ) [invoice] => Array ( [invoice_id] => 4862716000001061001 [invoice_number] => INV-000712 [date] => 1970-01-01 [due_date] => 1970-01-01 [offline_created_date_with_time] => [customer_id] => 4862716000001059001 [customer_name] => - - - - [customer_custom_fields] => Array ( ) [customer_custom_field_hash] => Array ( ) [email] => [currency_id] => 4862716000000084112 [invoice_source] => Api [currency_code] => BHD [currency_symbol] => BHD [currency_name_formatted] => BHD- Bahraini Dinar [status] => draft [custom_fields] => Array ( ) [custom_field_hash] => Array ( ) [recurring_invoice_id] => [place_of_supply] => [payment_terms] => 0 [payment_terms_label] => Due On Receipt [payment_reminder_enabled] => 1 [payment_discount] => 0 [credits_applied] => 0 [payment_made] => 0 [zcrm_potential_id] => [zcrm_potential_name] => [reference_number] => [lock_details] => Array ( ) [line_items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [line_item_id] => 4862716000001061009 [item_id] => [item_order] => 1 [product_type] => goods [name] => false [internal_name] => [description] => [unit] => [quantity] => 1 [discount_amount] => 0 [discount] => 0 [discounts] => Array ( ) [discount_account_id] => [discount_account_name] => [bcy_rate] => 0 [rate] => 0 [account_id] => 4862716000000000388 [account_name] => Sales [header_id] => 4862716000000179023 [header_name] => Gate-E Invoice. [pricebook_id] => [tax_id] => [tax_name] => [tax_type] => tax [tax_percentage] => 0 [tax_treatment_code] => [item_total] => 0 [item_custom_fields] => Array ( ) [pricing_scheme] => unit [tags] => Array ( ) [documents] => Array ( ) [reverse_charge_tax_id] => [line_item_taxes] => Array ( ) [bill_id] => [bill_item_id] => [project_id] => [time_entry_ids] => Array ( ) [expense_id] => [item_type] => [expense_receipt_name] => [sales_rate] => [purchase_rate] => [salesorder_item_id] => [cost_amount] => 0 [markup_percent] => 0 ) ) [exchange_rate] => 1 [is_autobill_enabled] => [inprocess_transaction_present] => [allow_partial_payments] => [price_precision] => 3 [sub_total] => 0 [tax_total] => 0 [discount_total] => 0 [discount_percent] => 0 [discount] => 0 [discount_applied_on_amount] => 0 [discount_type] => item_level [is_discount_before_tax] => 1 [adjustment] => 0 [adjustment_description] => [shipping_charge] => 0 [bcy_shipping_charge] => 0 [bcy_adjustment] => 0 [bcy_sub_total] => 0 [bcy_discount_total] => 0 [bcy_tax_total] => 0 [bcy_total] => 0 [total] => 0 [balance] => 0 [write_off_amount] => 0 [roundoff_value] => 0 [transaction_rounding_type] => no_rounding [is_inclusive_tax] => [sub_total_inclusive_of_tax] => 0 [tax_reg_no] => [contact_category] => [gcc_vat_treatment] => [tax_treatment] => [tax_rounding] => entity_level [taxes] => Array ( ) [filed_in_vat_return_id] => [filed_in_vat_return_name] => [filed_in_vat_return_type] => [reverse_charge_tax_total] => 0 [tds_calculation_type] => tds_item_level [can_send_invoice_sms] => 1 [payment_expected_date] => [stop_reminder_until_payment_expected_date] => [last_payment_date] => [ach_supported] => [ach_payment_initiated] => [payment_options] => Array ( [payment_gateways] => Array ( ) ) [reader_offline_payment_initiated] => [contact_persons] => Array ( ) [attachment_name] => [documents] => Array ( ) [computation_type] => basic [deliverychallans] => Array ( ) [merchant_id] => [merchant_name] => [ecomm_operator_id] => [ecomm_operator_name] => [salesorder_id] => [salesorder_number] => [salesorders] => Array ( ) [shipping_bills] => Array ( ) [contact_persons_details] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [contact_person_id] => 4862716000001060001 [first_name] => - - - - [last_name] => [email] => [phone] => + [mobile] => + [is_primary_contact] => 1 [photo_url] => ) ) [contact] => Array ( [customer_balance] => 0 [credit_limit] => 0 [unused_customer_credits] => 0 [is_credit_limit_migration_completed] => ) [salesperson_id] => [salesperson_name] => [is_emailed] => [reminders_sent] => 0 [last_reminder_sent_date] => [next_reminder_date_formatted] => [is_viewed_by_client] => [client_viewed_time] => [submitter_id] => [approver_id] => [submitted_date] => [submitted_by] => [submitted_by_name] => [submitted_by_email] => [submitted_by_photo_url] => [template_id] => 4862716000000017001 [template_name] => Standard Template [template_type] => standard [notes] => [terms] => [billing_address] => Array ( [street] => [address] => [street2] => [city] => [state] => [zip] => [country] => [fax] => [phone] => [attention] => ) [shipping_address] => Array ( [street] => [address] => [street2] => [city] => [state] => [zip] => [country] => [fax] => [phone] => [attention] => ) [invoice_url] => [subject_content] => [can_send_in_mail] => [created_time] => 2024-07-01T05:46:07+0300 [last_modified_time] => 2024-07-01T05:46:07+0300 [created_date] => 2024-07-01 [created_by_id] => 4862716000000096015 [created_by_name] => Gate-e [last_modified_by_id] => 4862716000000096015 [page_width] => 8.27in [page_height] => 11.69in [orientation] => portrait [is_backorder] => [sales_channel] => direct_sales [type] => invoice [color_code] => [current_sub_status_id] => [current_sub_status] => draft [sub_statuses] => Array ( ) [estimate_id] => [is_client_review_settings_enabled] => [is_taxable] => 1 [unused_retainer_payments] => 0 [tax_amount_withheld] => 0 [schedule_time] => [no_of_copies] => 1 [show_no_of_copies] => 1 [customer_default_billing_address] => Array ( [zip] => [country] => [address] => [city] => [phone] => [street2] => [state] => [fax] => [state_code] => ) [reference_invoice] => Array ( [reference_invoice_id] => ) [includes_package_tracking_info] => [approvers_list] => Array ( ) [qr_code] => Array ( [qr_source] => invoice_url [is_qr_enabled] => [qr_value] => [qr_description] => Scan the QR code to view the configured information. ) ) )